The Canadian Human Rights Commission has legislation that specifically protects minorities from racism and hate posted on the Internet. Section 13 of the Canadian Human Rights Act (CHRA) empowers the Commission to deal with complaints regarding the communication of hate messages by telephone or on the Internet:
13. (1) It is a discriminatory practice for a person or a group of persons acting in concert to communicate telephonically or to cause to be so communicated, repeatedly, in whole or in part by means of the facilities of a telecommunication undertaking within the legislative authority of Parliament, any matter that is likely to expose a person or persons to hatred or contempt by reason of the fact that person or those persons are identifiable on the basis of a prohibited ground of discrimination.
Three Easy Steps to file a Section 13 complaint against Kathy Shaidle:
- Copy and Paste the Following information into a Word document and print it.
- Add your name and information
- Send the complaint to:
344 Slater Street, 8th Floor,
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 1E1,
Kathy Shaidle is discriminating against persons or groups of persons on the basis of race, colour, sexual orientation and national or ethnic origin by repeatedly communicating or causing to be communicated, messages through the Internet which would likely expose Muslims, Pakistanis, Islam, Indians, Blacks, Jamaicans, Sikhs, Blind and Chinese to hatred and/or contempt, contrary to section 13 of the Canadian Human Rights Act.
February 15, 2009 and ongoing on the websites and
Kathy Shaidle maintains multiple websites in Canada, and is a virulent poster of material in violation of Section 13.
The following are examples of material in violation of Section 13 of the CHRA
On Islam: "...your religion is fucking retarded...ungrateful beligerent foreign savages...These are people who love watching beheading videos on the internet...A sick, sick religion. Basically Scientology with bombs. Pathetic whiny losers."
On Muslim and Pakistani immigrants: "Muslims...most of them can't even read...What we really need to do is stop immigration from Pakistan and other crazy Muslim countries filled with illiterate, violent tribal peasants..."
On Muslim children: they are “parasites.”
On a group of Muslim students who object to some statements by Mark Steyn: they are “motherfucking parasites.”
On Muslims: "Muslims always have to be on top, in reverse proportion to their ability to do anything with competence or creativity."
On Indians: they are “parasites” who “extorted tax dollars [for] booze, smokes and junk food. Not to mention free everything else, including university educations they don't bother getting.”
On blacks: “…there is nothing ‘compelling’ about a black man impregnating a white woman. In more than one Toronto neighbourhood, that's what they call Saturday night.”
On Jamaicans: “Just think of how much Jamaican immigrants contribute to our culture and economy: monotonous, illiterate music that all sounds the same, filthy hairstyles, those little tricoloured Rasta doohickies.”
On the blacks of New Orleans: they are “pathetic losers” who cannot have their IQs raised “a single point.”
On AIDS: “From the beginning, AIDS activism has been more about mainstreaming the gay "lifestyle" than saving lives.”
On Sikhs: "Backward foreigners [who] shit on hand that feeds them...Unable to invent their own iconic product due to too much time spent worshipping monkeys and cows, setting women on fire and obsessing over imperceptible differences in each other's skin colour..."
On blind people: "Giving blind people real not working out."
On Chinese: "[They are] spitting and shooting snot on the sidewalk...throwing broken crates of rotten bock choy all over Spadina Avenue [and] eating dubious, illegal foodstuffs" [and cause SARS.]
Based on the foregoing examples, I believe that Kathy Shaidle is discriminating against persons or groups of persons on the basis of Race, colour, sexual orientation and national or ethnic origin by repeatedly communicating or causing to be communicated, messages through the internet that would likely expose Muslims, Pakistanis, Islam, Indians, Blacks, Jamaicans, Sikhs, Blind and Chinese to hatred and/or contempt, contrary to section 13 of the Canadian Human Rights Act.
H/T: Thanks to Warren Kinsella for the research of Shaidles racist postings
Thanks for the information. I am going to print it off and mail in my complaint today.
Shaidle is a white supremacist
I notice you didn't put a fourth question up on the little poll on the sidebar.
I wanted to vote "You say that like it's a bad thing".
I remember kids like you in elementary school, by the way.
The little snot-nosed weasel who never stood up for himself in a fight but would go running to the principal's office at the first sign of a fight.
Hilary, I remember kids like you from elementary school too. The type who would egg on a bully, pick on the little kids, and work at being the biggest a-hole on the playground. And you always cried when kids like me stood up to you and called you on your crap. You and Shaidle are two peas in a pod, aren't you?
So, you want to play right into her hands?
Gimme a break. Ridicule her, slam her at every turn.
Section 13? Please. She'd love this.
In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if this entire site was set up by Shaidle herself in order to further her cyber panhandling and persecution complex.
Ignore her.
DO NOT get the HRC involved...that is waht she wants.
PS Hilary Jane Magaret White, you are stupid c*nt. Go crawl in a hole and die.
Thanks Dave.
How clever...
And brave! Where is your contact information?
You people have no real intention of serving these papers, because then you'd have to identify yourselves.
right on the blog darling.
Gonna serve me with papers?
David, you're clueless. You're not the kid who called the bully on his crap! As Hilary said, you're the one who went running to the principal.
Mike, you probably fancy yourself a pretty progressive guy, but your use of the "c" word to attack a woman reveals a different reality.
Nice bike, Mike. You're one of those Boomers born at the end of the boom, aren't you?
Both of you seem like classic Beta Males.
How amusing that this post full of hate is graced with the tag of "tolerance".
Tolerance does NOT mean "force everyone else to be tolerant of me", little man. It means being tolerant of everyone else.
Uh, huh. Whatever Patsy.
Jay is right...that there is no contact info and that this person is trying encourage people to take part in the very process that currently has La Shaidle in legal hot water for libel.
Well, why in Gawd's name would you encourage this?
False Flag - this site was set up by a Shaidle supporter (like the pitiful Catholic Hilary Jane Margaret White, who seems to have admitted it) in an effort to feed Shaidle's desire to be a victim, so she can beg for more paypal donations from the uncritical rubes.
Jay, don't get sucked in (unless you are in on it). And anyone who thinks Shaidle is a screeching bile-filled harpie (like me), don't get sucked in.
The best thing to do for a worm like Shaidle (or a c* that better Patsy?) is to either ignore her, or mercilessly ridicule her.
You don't persecute her. DO NOT use Section 13.
This site is a trap. Don't do it.
"Beta male" -- ooooh, how horrible, Patsy called me a "beta male" will I ever recover?
So Mike,
That whole "irony" concept a little tough for you huh?
Mike, you are smarter than I am...that is a really cunning idea.
But, and as this blog is anonymous, we can speculate...who is the master of false flag ops on the net? Well, our old friend, fearless basement Nazi hunter Richard Warman - aka Lucie, Jadewarr etc - and his ex-employer (and why did he leave?) the CHRC.
Perhaps things are a bit slow at CHRC HQ now that they have discovered what Taylor actually said and so, this lovely blog.
Oh Patsy, do fuck off. What you don't know would fill the ocean. But do continue being the biggest fucking cry baby on the internet.
I've heard it said that you can measure your righteousness by the vileness of your enemies.
Judging by this site, seems true enough: anyone who would devote an entire site to defaming someone and calling her a racist-- and without even having the guts to identify himself-- is a typical cowardly liberal.
Karen - good response. Churchill said: "You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life." And Paul Newman said: "If you don't have enemies, you don't have character."
I've always found Kathy to be more of an equal-opportunity annoyer. She doesn't care what your background is - if she thinks you're acting like a bloody idiot, she'll say so.
But devoting a whole blog, like this one, to attacking one individual seems obsessive.
Judging by this site, seems true enough: anyone who would devote an entire site to defaming someone and calling her a racist-- and without even having the guts to identify himself-- is a typical cowardly liberal.
Just a couple of points Karen; One, the truth can be defamatory and in the case of Shiadle, what was posted here was the truth, it is true that damaging nature of the truth (ie defamatory).
Two, the nature of the poster of this blog does not detract from the truth that Shiadle is a racist and has admitted publicaly that she is a raciest. Now the motives of the blog owner can be called in question and since he/she choose to remain hidden does speak to true nature. So either the blog owner is a guttless worm who would rather get others to his dirty work, or it someone who welcome the martyrdom of being nailed to the Section 13.1 cross.
Section 13.1 was designed to protect people who were facing true discrimination and who did have the financial resources to fight a large company or land owner or group. It was a law of "Good Intentions" and it had been abused by many with political and ideological axes to grind.
No, Section 13.1 complaints against Shiadle should not be made, she should be held up in the public eye and ridiculed and mocked endless for racist and stupid views.
I love, love, LOVE poking liberals and watching their peace and love facade come crashing down. haha. Tools.
If racist=any and all forms of discrimination, then we're screwed as a nation because no one can say anything and reality will be completely untouchable by our conversational dance. (At least Shaidle has the sense to defend Catmeat from some of the lunacy...) If we are going to find any useful meaning in "racist" it must refer to clearly *immoral* discrimination/violence. So make the case, if you have any intellectual capacity to figure im/morality any more. But maybe you have gone so far down the PC don't-think-hole, you can't make a serious case why what Shaidle is doing is an immoral threat and not, say, a Christian call to make ourselves better (consider, e.g., that Islam is clearly founded on a fundamental dualism that pits believer against kaffir: is that dualism racist if the Muslim takes it too literally? if so, is it racist to hate the racist? and how many of Shaidle's targets aren't themselves racists? and isn't that ultimately her point: the need for everyone to become independent individuals and not group think groupies?).
I dare you to try to make a serious case for Shaidle's immorality (I think you probably could, if you could, but I also think it would be useful for you to see how limited your thinking skills probably are). Or just go with your tail between your legs to the CHRC confident in knowing that this grand institution of the state can't make any coherent paradigmatic statement about immorality either - they make up the law as they go along - so why should you.
I'd rather be a "racist" than a Maoist. Do you know which is more deadly to humanity?
Anon @ 10:35 AM
LOL, the polemic defence.
I could maybe accept the POE defence, except that Kathy doesn't run in that style.
Polemic Defense is possible by very, very, very, vveerrrryyyy unlikely in Kathy's case
Hmmm,,, this blog seems to be using West Coast time stamps, so the conspiracy theory that it is Kathy or Warren doesn't seem to fly.
I'd be looking for a blogger in Alberta or BC being behind this blog, just guess and an opinion.
Mikey is right though, If Kathy ever had a HRC compliant against her, she'd love it, it would be a dream come true.
Thanks for doing al this research. I do love Shaidle's prose and you've picked some great examples! One thought though- didn't you mean reality-ist not racist?
You're onto something Zoepheous. Plus, and let's face it, I can't think of an Easterner with this sort of sense of fun. Well, Mike Brock...but that's it.
It has been suggested that maybe someone should pose the question, politely and respectfully to Richard Evans about this site. Not saying Richard is behind it, but it would be in keeping with some of his past MO's
Whatever you do, DON'T counter Shaidle's words with reason and counterargument. No, that would be hard. Too hard!
Get someone else to FORCE her to shut up! That's it! So easy! And best of all, it doesn't require any thought or intelligence at all!
And that's important, because crybabies who demand that mean people be silenced aren't noted for their intelligence and thinking skills.
Shaidle is indeed a vile person with disgusting views. So are most of the people who pout and post whiny comments here, and who, anonymously, put up blogs for no other purpose than to direct hatred at somebody.
That's the difference. Shaidle isn't trying to force you to keep your opinions to yourself. For all her gross, stupid views, she's leaps and bounds ahead of anybody who would even think about launching an organized campaign to silence a political opponent.
Blogger jaycurrie said...
You're onto something Zoepheous. Plus, and let's face it, I can't think of an Easterner with this sort of sense of fun. Well, Mike Brock...but that's it.
Well, I could think of a few Easterns who might do it, but most them would rather spend their time mocking Shiadle's views from their pre-existing blogs and in fact do so.
Whether this is leftwinger or a rightwinger run this blog is still a matter of contention since both camps would gain talking points.
If Shiadle was advocating violence or criminal behavor, then that would be a different matter, but as it stands, Shiadle is just a spiteful, hateful person with a political axe mixed with racist overtones. In short, she is pathetic.
The polemical defense?
Shaidle won't lower herself to offer a defense to rabid kangaroos.
What interests me is how the cult of non-discrimination has created a generation of graduates who know nothing much and know no role other than Grand Inquisitor. You can resent Shaidle's rough way of trying to kick her idea of reality into the public arena, but will you come back with a more serious account of the evils out there, including the many many non-white evils, or will you double down on the righteous splendor of your patronage of the little victims of the evil rednecks. In my book, white guilt is the ultimate racism.
I am horrified by the comments made by Shaidle.
I did not come here from Iran to be subjected to such hate and racism.
Section 13 was designed to protect our community against these sorts of postings.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
The polemical defense?
Shaidle won't lower herself to offer a defense to rabid kangaroos.
ROTFLMAO, she has used this excuse many times Anon, I suggest you actualy spend a little time reading up on Shiadle and her traveling "Poor persecuted me" show.
The rest of your comment is a red herring, go fish.
It has been suggested that maybe someone should pose the question, politely and respectfully to Richard Evans about this site.
Who would suggest something like that zorph? Care to name a name?
In any case, I've had nothing to do with this site. My MO is to out pedophile-enablers by tying their names to other pedophiles. Remember what I did to your pals thai-guy and Canadian Cynic? Yeah, what I do is completely different than this...
Aziz Karachiwala said...
I am horrified by the comments made by Shaidle.
I did not come here from Iran to be subjected to such hate and racism.
Section 13 was designed to protect our community against these sorts of postings.
February 17, 2009 1:07 PM
No Aziz, that was not the purpose of Section 13.1. The HRC and section 13 are what as know as "Good intention Laws" and unfortunately these some people in Canada have abused them for political and monetary gains.
There is only three way to fight people like Shiadle and others who peddle hate,
Our three weapons are,...
Loud mockery,
Endless Mockery, and
Remorseless Mockery,...
and humour,... oops
There is only four way to fight people like Shiadle and others who peddle hate,
Our three no four weapons are,...
Loud mockery,
Endless Mockery, and
Remorseless Mockery,...
and humour,...
(said in me bestest Monty Python voice)
Welcome to Canada, speak, do not live in fear and stand for what you believe in. State Censorship, I would hope isn't one of things you believe in.
I remember people like Hillary Jane Margaret White from high school as well. No wait, I remember Hillary Jane Margaret White herself.
Always very, very, very generous with her time and attention...
Actually Rachard, I think it was me that asked we ask the question, it is just a question Richard and nothing more, but since then it has been pointed that that Calgary is -7:00 and BC is -8:00, so that tend to lend credence that blogger who runs this blog is in BC, so no point in asking you if you are blog owner.
Strange credulity that you should show up here, no? (no need to answer, I know which trail of bread crumbs you followed)
In any case, I've had nothing to do with this site.
Well it is nice to have you on the record, I actually believe you.
My MO is to out pedophile-enablers by tying their names to other pedophiles. Remember what I did to your pals thai-guy and Canadian Cynic? Yeah, what I do is completely different than this...
Well, you might see yourself that way Richard, you might even believe your own sh*t smells like roses and honeysuckle.
I've heard it said that you can measure your righteousness by the vileness of your enemies.
Funny. You're the only one who's ever heard that. Googling "you can measure your righteousness by the vileness of your enemies" yields no hits.
NAMBLA Dick writes:
"My MO is to out pedophile-enablers by tying their names to other pedophiles. Remember what I did to your pals thai-guy and Canadian Cynic?"
Dear Dick:
Between the two of us, only one of us ever explicitly registered a web site with the express purpose of driving traffic to the home page of NAMBLA, an organization that promotes child rape. Hint: It wasn't me.
P.S. Many moons ago, I challenged you to provide a single example of any of my writings to be found anywhere on the net which encouraged or condoned pedophilia in any way. Unsurprisingly, you bolted from that challenge so fast, the trail of urine can still be seen.
Nice try, NAMBLA boy. Give my condolences to your wife.
try goggling Moral Relativism, you might have better luck. The other poster might paraphrasing the quote.
I have heard of quote simular to what was stated, but I do not remember the exact quote, or who made it. It could be a BS/hoax quote as well.
Between the two of us, only one of us ever explicitly registered a web site with the express purpose of driving traffic to the home page of NAMBLA, an organization that promotes child rape. Hint: It wasn't me.
Hint: You're the pedophile/pedophile-enabler, CC... For you to link yourself to NAMBLA would be extremely self incriminating and although I don't think you're particularly bright, you're not that stupid...
I feel no shame in connecting your domain name to NAMBLA because the end result was that folks have a better understanding of who you really are... We'll call it a public service...
If my accusations are false, CC, file suit... Just remember that truth is a defense and truth is on my side...
Why is it whenever Shaidle is mentioned, the squirrels show up? And they bring their nuts.
BTW, to whoever operates this site your poll has been punked by HJM White and furry friends.
Another thing, how does the topic go from trolling for racists to pedophiles? Is there an inbreeding problem or something?
Clem; Bubba, where did you meet your wife?
Bubba; Family reunion.
Comrade One said...
Why is it whenever Shaidle is mentioned, the squirrels show up? And they bring their nuts.
Sorry Comrade, my bad, I'm a squirrel and just love collecting nutz, the nutzier the better ~grin~
Another thing, how does the topic go from trolling for racists to pedophiles? Is there an inbreeding problem or something?
Oh I think Richard is one to answer that one, since he decide to bring his pet monkey to the debate ~grin~
Still waitin' for that link, Dickie ...
Shorter "NAMBLA" Dick Evans: "The fact that there is absolutely no evidence to tie CC to pedophilia in any way only proves how devilishly cunning he is."
Sorry about this people,...
Hint: You're the pedophile/pedophile-enabler, CC... For you to link yourself to NAMBLA would be extremely self incriminating and although I don't think you're particularly bright, you're not that stupid...
Shorter Richard Evans, I don't have any proof
I think the pinata just broke open, LOL
I think the pinata just broke open, LOL
I've posted the links to CC's disappeared comments and the screen caps of what was there before he disappeared them several times already, Zorph. You know where the links are. If you claim otherwise, you're a liar...
No prob Zorph. I admit to the occasional duel in the weirdosphere too.
Just remember, Crackers are best enjoyed with a Liberal amount of salt.
Err, Richard, the war between you and CC has been long, very long,... so you are going to have to be a little more specific about you are talking about? Are you claiming that CC made a post where he defended or even supported pedophilia? Cause it that is the case, it is news to me.
If you are talking about CC deleting your comments, ya so? CC deletes comments all the time.
Shorter NAMBLA Dick Evans: "I have screen caps. Don't make me use them. 'Cuz I'll use them. I mean it. Don't make me angry. You wouldn't like me when I'm angry."
There's something oddly familiar about how Dick "proves" that I'm a pedophile. Oh, right ... there it is.
Comrade One said...
No prob Zorph. I admit to the occasional duel in the weirdosphere too.
Just remember, Crackers are best enjoyed with a Liberal amount of salt.
February 17, 2009 3:13 PM
I prefer peanutbutter myself, but that is just the squirrel in me talking ;-)
Zorph writes:
"If you are talking about CC deleting your comments, ya so? CC deletes comments all the time."
Actually, no, Zorph, I don't delete comments "all the time." I reserve deletion for people who cease being either informative or entertaining, and have simply descended into screeching, repetitive irrelevancy, and I can count the number of people whose comments I've tossed on the fingers of one hand.
I have, to the best of my knowledge, never deleted a comment simply because I disagreed with it. As long as someone has a point to make and makes it even remotely intelligently, my comments section is open.
And as for NAMBLA Dick's contention that I deleted some incriminating comments that prove I'm a pedophile, well, that would be news to me, too. And I'd ask Dick to provide a link or two, but you and I both know that's not going to happen.
Sorry CC, excuse the Liberal use the ward "ALL", but you know what I mean.
Ok, Richard, just went by you blog and I don't see this blog post you are speaking of, or are you talking about some post you made in the past?
Here's a hint Richard, if you are referring to old blog post, you should supply link,... you Richard, I do not keep chronological historical records of other peoples blog wars (just my own and even that is waste of time, hint, hint,..)
So provide the link Richard, or admit that what you said earlier is the real truth, you got nothing (which I truly believe is you telling the truth for the second time today).
sorry for hi-jacking the thread here people. But this will funny to watch, later, I'm heading out.
rac'ist (n): Someone who is winning an argument with a liberal.
stu-pid : -adjective
1) lacking the ability of quickness of thought and thus relying on making up imaginary definitions for words to win an arguemnt.
2) See this definition
3) also see racist by EdwardM
Example EdwardM's definition of racist was stupid.
Ok, Richard, just went by you blog and I don't see this blog post you are speaking of, or are you talking about some post you made in the past?
You'll just have to scroll through the archives as I haven't gotten the keywords set-up on the old posts after the server switch...
As an aside... CC likes to play the google game... You know the one... It's where he places specific key words/phrases like "Canadian Cynic" and "pedophile" in close proximity so that they'll get picked up and tracked when the google crawler happens by...
Craft your response carefully, Zorph, while you munch on this banana...
Not only is Shaidle a racist and neo-Nazi, but she is also one helluva ugly bitch.
So ugly, I might throw up the catmeat I had for lunch in a fine Chinese restaurant here in New York City. Or as Kathy Shaidle calls it "JEW York City"
Yes, do go file a complaint; then we'll have your name.
And I'm no pussy, we'll meet.
Find your blog post Richard, do your work and stop expecting other people to prove your case for your.
do your work and stop expecting other people to prove your case for your.
Sorry Zorph, but I determine what my work is, not you... Here's another banana... While you're doing your little monkey dance, maybe you'd like to explain to the good folks just exactly how CC's views don't make him an individual that enables pedophilia...
"I feel no shame in connecting your domain name to NAMBLA "
Uhmm, that's your domain name, Richard Evans of Alpha Safety Consulting and Professional Excavators of Calgary. The one you bought to send traffic to NAMBLA. NAMBLA - National Man Boy Love Association - a pedophile advocacy organization.
I don't care which side of this incoherent, obviously contrived, NAMBLA argument you're on: the bunch of you make that cat meat/Shaidle comment look sane.
The cat meat/Shaidle comment is sane for the insane Warren Kinsella.
But I do agree, Shaidle is really nasty looking.
TVO should have thrown her off for being a moron with a retarded look on her face most of the time.
TVO just should have some christian preacher who was caught molesting children. Not the "relapsed / RETREAD Catholic" Shaidle
PS: Kathy, you might want to consider using this amazing modern invention called make-up. Those droopy eyes, greezy forehead and black-hairs above your mouth can be fixed right up.
Blogger Richard said...
do your work and stop expecting other people to prove your case for your.
Sorry Zorph, but I determine what my work is, not you... Here's another banana... While you're doing your little monkey dance, maybe you'd like to explain to the good folks just exactly how CC's views don't make him an individual that enables pedophilia...
Sorry Dick, that's your job. Do your work
You jerks need your heads read! What a bunch of loosers.
And as it has every other time, NAMBLA Dick's screeching of, "CC's a pedophile and I have the links and screen caps to prove it!" peters out into, "I don't have to show you my evidence, and you can't make me, neener, neener, neener!"
Give my regrets to your wife and kids, Dick. Their lives must be what the phrase "living hell" was invented for.
Richard Evans of Alpha Safety Consulting and Professional Excavators of Calgary.
Actually, but for tying up some lose ends and helping to find a consultant that can make more of a time committment, my contract with pro-ex is complete. Your information is out of date...
Mike said
"DO NOT get the HRC involved...that is waht (sic) she wants.
PS Hilary Jane Magaret White, you are stupid c*nt. Go crawl in a hole and die."
Drats Mike is one clever sewer-mouthed human rights lovin tourets sufferer.
But what if Kathy wants you to think she wants you to use section 13, that means you would have to know she knows you know.
Incredible the difference between liberal and conservative takes on display here.
It is the difference between reason and partisan name calling .
The disparity in the use of, and the level of intelligence, humour and reason is starkly awesome.
Like Daryl said: The very motive for each liberal and conservative poster to add their comments says it all.
One wants to further restrict our rights and freedoms and add the full force of government expanded and brought down on some one they disagree with, conversely, conservatives want freedom of thought and speech for all.
The fact that conservatives are funny while the liberals scream petty "racist", "pedophile" and "cunt" slurs at each other is indicative of the two worlds laid out to us , the choice is ours.
I reject political correctness, moral relativism and the multicultural lie, libs wallow in it and make a living off it and want more of it.
Fuck Liberal Fascism.
Are you moderating this sight Zorph?
Anonymous said...
Incredible the difference between liberal and conservative takes on display here.
It is the difference between reason and partisan name calling .
The disparity in the use of, and the level of intelligence, humour and reason is starkly awesome.
Like Daryl said: The very motive for each liberal and conservative poster to add their comments says it all.
One wants to further restrict our rights and freedoms and add the full force of government expanded and brought down on some one they disagree with, conversely, conservatives want freedom of thought and speech for all.
The fact that conservatives are funny while the liberals scream petty "racist", "pedophile" and "cunt" slurs at each other is indicative of the two worlds laid out to us , the choice is ours.
I reject political correctness, moral relativism and the multicultural lie, libs wallow in it and make a living off it and want more of it.
Fuck Liberal Fascism.
Are you moderating this sight Zorph?
Anon, nope I am not moderating this site. You also painting with a broad brush and you are tarring a lot people very incorrectly.
The fact that conservatives are funny while the liberals scream petty "racist", "pedophile" and "cunt" slurs at each other is indicative of the two worlds laid out to us , the choice is ours.
Actually, I have seen very little evidence of this so call "Conservative humour", but humour is very subjective. Next the only person who has been throwing around the charge of a person being a pedophile is Richard Evans, and I don't think he would like being called a "Liberal", let along "Liberal Fascist". Lastly, yes, several people here have been charging that Kathy Shiadle is a racist, and it is very difficult to augue against that point when even Kathy Shiadle says she is, not to mention the quotes from her own blog bore this position out.
Like Daryl said: The very motive for each liberal and conservative poster to add their comments says it all.
One wants to further restrict our rights and freedoms and add the full force of government expanded and brought down on some one they disagree with, conversely, conservatives want freedom of thought and speech for all.
Again you very wrong here, I for do not agree with Section 13.1 and how it is being abused, Mike is the same opinion, even Canadian Cynic feels the same way. Now if you were ask Richard Evans where we belong on the political spectrum, he would charge that all three of us are Leftwing, moonbat liberals, yadda, yadda, yadda.
Speaking for myself, I would much rather have the Kathy Shiadles spouting their racial views in the open than sulking in the shadows. Yet, while I will tolerate Shialdes views, that does mean I will accept them and allow them to go un challenged.
Now it seems to me that you might have some political blinders on, I have seen people on both sides of the spectrum call for censorship. You will find many voice on the left that do not censorship and you also find opposite. You will also find the same true for those on right side of the political spectrum.
"Speaking for myself, I would much rather have the Kathy Shiadles spouting their racial views in the open than sulking in the shadows. Yet, while I will tolerate Shialdes views, that does mean I will accept them and allow them to go un challenged."
Any questions?
Any questions?
February 18, 2009 11:40 AM
Ya, I have a question Richard, where's the proof that Canadian Cnyic is a pedophile or pedophile enabler?
The game has been called, and all bets are closed. No more lame excuses like "Sorry my blog ate my proof" crap that you have been pushing.
Any questions?
February 18, 2009 11:40 AM
Ya, I have a question Richard, where's the proof that Canadian Cnyic is a pedophile or pedophile enabler?
The game has been called, and all bets are closed. No more lame excuses like "Sorry my blog ate my proof" crap that you have been pushing.
Sorry to confuse, Zorph, entirely my fault, Here's my excuse, I hope you'll except it.
I should have used the Anonymous ID again like I did @ February 18, 2009 9:31 AM. I'm a Richard (used that name at February 18, 2009 8:29 AM, my first comment) but not your lib friend Richard Evans whom you won't except excuses from. I figured two Richards would cause confusion here, so I switched to Anonymous.
There are two Richards posting comments here, I 'll go back to using Anonymous again like I meant to when I quoted you directly, and asked if there were any questions .
Sorry for the confusion.
Anon-Richard, maybe the handle, Not-a-Richard (ie, Not-A-Dick) would be better ;-)
Sorry for the confusion on my part, I won't want to associate you with the other Richard.
Well I think this thread is dead. The other Richard has left to try to invent another reason why he can't back up his claims. Sorry people, this has been long standing issue with Richard, he makes that charge and then can't back it up.
If Richard Evans shows up again, you people might like to hear Richard explain his Holocaust Humour, and how re-directing traffic from domains he owns to Stormfront is just his way of fighting racism. And of course, their his NAMBLA humour as well, just don't ask him to prove anything. Yes, asking Richard Evans for proof only proves that you are leftwing, moonbat, socialist, terrorist supporting,... blah, blah blah.
I'm a Richard (used that name at February 18, 2009 8:29 AM, my first comment) but not your lib friend Richard Evans whom you won't except excuses from.
I knew it Richard, you are one of those leftwing, moonbat, socialist, terrorist supporting,... blah, blah blah. ;-)
Unlike many leftwing, moonbat, socialist, terrorist supporting,... blah, blah blah,... I do not use naughty language anymore, I just employ bad spelling, poor grammar, crappy writing,... which is enough to drive everyone the blogosphere nutty.
Just for the edification and clarity of Kathy Shiadle's position on the desire to have a HRC complaint made against her,... I let Kathy speak for herself
I've been TRYING to get a "hate speech" complaint for years now, by purposefully saying politically incorrect things about every ethnic group, including my own, on this blog.
(I'm old enough to remember George Carlin -- who, incidentally, made up the idea that there were "Seven Words You Couldn't Say on the Radio" [the FCC had no such rule until he gave them the idea] and Lenny Bruce doing that with "swear words"; I'm just doing it with the new "unspeakables".)
After all, such a complaint would be great publicity for me and would help me get a lot of donations and sell a ton of books.
Seem she in this whole thing to make money. Oh and I pull the quote from her site as well where she proudly admits to being a racist and white power goon too.
So if you feel Kathy is being wrongfully labeled here, I think you need to argue that point Ms Shiadle
PS here's the link
See Richard Evans, easy to do, know backing up one's claim,... but then it is easy when there is proof.
Speaking only for myself, I would like to apologize to the participants in this thread for the monumental waste of time that this has been.
Truth be told, I have no overwhelming need to follow Richard "NAMBLA" Evans around the Intertoobz, whacking him upside the head, but someone pointed out his participation here so I felt compelled to stop by and set the record straight.
What you've seen here is Dick's consistent behaviour in any thread he's ever joined -- something along the lines of, "With respect to the proposed stimulus package and how tax cuts compare to spending, CC is a pedophile enabler."
That's it -- out of nowhere, Dick suddenly dumps this fiction in the middle of a discussion, at which point everyone kind of shakes their head and wonders what the hell just happened.
And once everyone recovers, any attempt to get Dickie to bolster his claims is met with some combination of, "I proved that before/I have screen shots/It's not my job to prove it/I'm not going to do your work for you/etc etc," eventually followed by Dick wandering off to pull the same stunt elsewhere.
Amusingly, Dick wonders why I don't sue for defamation. That only proves what a moron he is.
I think it's positively delightful that Dick is leaving such unmistakable evidence of his derangement. Once upon a time, Dick actually ran for alderman in his Calgary ward and, even back then, his mental instability was the subject of an article in the Calgary Sun, which I would like to think was at least partly responsible for him getting flattened like a toad by a steamroller in that election.
And if he ever decides to try for political office again, well, let's just say he's left an unmistakable trail of his gibbering batshit craziness all over the Net.
So, no, Dick, I'm not going to sue. Why would I? No one believes you, and you're just digging yourself in deeper and deeper with every post and every comment. And far be it from me to encourage you to stop.
Once again, sorry about all this folks, but that's what happens when deranged fruitbats like Dick Evans show up -- a perfectly respectable discussion goes straight to hell.
In any event, Dick's all yours now. I have better things to do.
PS: Kathy, you might want to consider using this amazing modern invention called make-up. Those droopy eyes, greezy forehead and black-hairs above your mouth can be fixed right up.
That is great Michael. I am still laughing at that one. I saw her on tvo and thought the same thing. And her mustache is really off putting. I don't recall a thing she actually said, too busy staring at that stache...
I was alerted to this b/c.
"Dr.Dawg" said no such thing. Someone is playing with himself here.
The real Dawg said it, and the other is the fake Dawg
Blogger Dr.Dawg said...
I was alerted to this b/c.
"Dr.Dawg" said no such thing. Someone is playing with himself here.
February 19, 2009 3:45 AM
Anonymous Dr.Dawg said...
The real Dawg said it, and the other is the fake Dawg
February 19, 2009 9:39 AM
Nice to see the rightwing sockpuppets are out and playing. Guess when you can't defend the racist hatred of people like Shiadle, you guys have to resort "Name Trolling"
Pathetic loser, you Dawg @ 9:39, the REAL Dr. Dawg owns the blogger account. It is very obvious that you have been making several other posts using other peoples identity. You wouldn't happen to live in the BC?
What is very telling is that blog owner here is very silent on this issue. This lends even more evident this blog is rightwing and not someone on the left.
This site was a put-up job from the get-go. Nothing like chumming the waters, but this little fishie don't bite.
Yes Dawg,
The silence of the blog owner,
The sockpuppetry of only Left of center ID's
And the Anon nature of the Blog owner
These three pieces of circumstantial evidence point more and more to site being nothing more than rightwing con job to try to get Shiadle her much desired HRC complaint that she so dearly wants.
Whom ever the BC blogger is, should just close up shop now, whether he/she is leftwing or rightwing it is clear that their dishonesty is now clearly displayed.
Yes Dawg,
You are correct that I like balls across my nose.
Who cares?! Its her site. So what if she wants to post what you consider "hate". Unless she says "kill [insert alledgedly aggreaved group here]" then I don't see the problem.
You're onto something Zoepheous. Plus, and let's face it, I can't think of an Easterner with this sort of sense of fun. Well, Mike Brock...but that's it.
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